Help San Mateo County get real about reusables.
Join the indisposable community of change-makers, business owners, coffee drinkers, and ocean lovers to protect the home we share and community we love. We need people like you!
Sign up for action alerts and updates to keep up with the latest news and join us! We promise not to spam you.
Got questions? Email us at
Join our monthly meeting - see our Calendar of Events and Zoom meetings.
Join a Reusable SMC Committee and help us move Reusable actions forward.
Help us identify, promote and celebrate businesses supporting reuse.
We periodically send out ACTION items that you can support:
Advocate for dine-in reusables in foodware ordinance. Recently the Foster City City Council considered adding this discussion to their agenda.
Join the virtual conversation and share your stories and support on social media with #ReusableSMC! Post photos of you, your friends, community members, and businesses co-creating solutions to get our city off single-use, and don’t forget to Tweet your neighbors, legislators, and local businesses!
Take action now, and ask your federal legislators to support the BFFPA! The Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act of 2021 (BFFPPA) builds on successful statewide laws across the country and outlines practical plastic reduction strategies to realize a healthier, more sustainable, and more equitable future.