Half Moon Bay Action
We choose Reusables!

Call to Action
Reuse for onsite dining

The Half Moon Bay City Council will hold a hearing on updating their disposable foodware ordinance on Tuesday December 6. Let's show our support for strengthening the onsite dining language!

Half Moon Bay has been THE leader in San Mateo County in prioritizing reuse. In 2020, the city passed an ordinance saying “Wherever practicable, Food Facilities shall provide Reusable Foodware in place of Disposable Foodware”.

We 100% support the proposed “Option 2” update to the ordinance that would provide clearer language for reuse onsite and require all restaurants to use reusables for on-premises dining.

That means when you sit in a Half Moon Bay restaurant to enjoy a meal, your food won't come in single use disposable foodware (like paper or plastic clamshells, cups or utensils) but in real, reusable plates, bowls, cups and silverware. This small change will not only reduce plastic waste that pollutes our beautiful coastal community but it will also save restaurants money while maintaining Half Moon Bay’s environmental leadership in San Mateo County.

Half Moon Bay restaurants that have made the switch save thousands of dollars and eliminate hundreds of thousands of disposable foodware items each year (e.g., Jersey Joe’s savings). Reuse is also the climate-friendly choice – single use disposables create tons of greenhouse gas emissions that are reduced significantly by transitioning to reusables.

Send an advocacy letter now to the Half Moon Bay City Council by clicking the button below!

Send your
Advocacy Letter

Click above to create an email letter to the Half Moon Bay Mayor and City Council Members urging them to adopt OPTION 2, requiring all restaurants to USE REUSABLES FOR ONSITE DINING.

We encourage you to personalize the letter and share YOUR reason why reuse is the best choice for onsite foodware. Be sure to sign your name and include your city of residence before sending the email.